Monday, December 18, 2017

(Week 15) Baltimore Ravens vs. Cleveland Browns


Recap: Ravens 27 Browns 10
Y'know, crapping on Cleveland is getting kinda old, so I'm gonna focus on what they did right each week instead. Isaiah Crowell is a stud at running back, and he thread the needle in the Ravens defensive line multiple times to great effect. The Red Zone defense is stiff, and limited Baltimore to only two offensive TD's. With that out of the way, let's address the elephant in the room...the Browns passing game SUUUUUUUUCCKS. I'm gonna feel bad for the best quarterback in college football when the bowl season is over, because you know their careers are gonna bite the dust in the factory of sadness like Kizer's is right now. Yes, the Baltimore defense has been outstanding this season, but Kizer threw his 18th interception this year in this game. 18!? His interception count can legally drive! It's at the age of friggin' consent! The Cleveland Browns are well on their way to an 0-16 season, and that's terrifying. As for the Ravens, they continue to win the easy games and look poised for a wild card spot. They better hope for the five seed, because Jacksonville, New England, or Pittsburgh will chew them up and spit them out. 

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