Monday, November 27, 2017

(Week 12) Denver Broncos vs. Oakland Raiders


Yet another divisional rivalry coming to a head this weekend, with the Denver Broncos visiting the Oakland Raiders. Yes, they may be the toilet bowl of the AFC West, but these are two teams that have been given the short end of the stick all season. I expected a good game out of these two, with the Raiders fair offense matching the Broncos solid defense.

GAME RECAP: Raiders 21 Broncos 14
A fairly basic game of football with the expected outcome...but that Michael Crabtree/Aqib Talib fight, tho. Seriously, this sport is turning into the WWE in the worst way. Does Roger Goodell understand that I started watching football to GET AWAY from wrestling. At least Talib and Crabtree would be a better main event than Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar, but I digress... The Denver Broncos were well on their way to getting schalacked yet again, but unexpected fortune shined down in the 4th quarter for the Mile High mavericks. Using Rope of Life, the Broncos brought Siemian back from the graveyard with 800 boosted attack points, passing for 2TDs for the Broncos in the 4th quarter. Unfortunately, it was too late; the Raiders had already entered the quarter up by 21, and not even Siemian could bring the Broncos back from the dead. The Raiders are going to have to stay on the horse, no pun intended, if they want a second chance at the Lombardi trophy after being robbed last year. 

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